Using the New Color Coding Features In Family Tree Maker 2019

Color coding in FTM 2019

Color coding in FTM 2019/2017 Steps:-

  • Open Family Tree Maker software by clicking on the icon on your computer desktop screen.
  • Select the tree you want to work on and the person you want to color code.
  • Click on color coding on the top bar right corner first icon.
  • You have choices to make. For example, if you want to give color to only the current person, you must choose the person. Then, according to your selection of color, it will provide color to the current person.
  • You can also give color to the ancestor and descendant of the select person. This is how you can find out your direct bloodlines.

Color Coding Features in FTM 2019

For the Current Person, choose from a variety of colors. It’s now possible to apply up to eight colors to the current person rather than just one. Select the person you want to highlight from the Tree tab of the People workspace, then click the Color Coding button above the editing panel. Click as many of the eight colors as you need to mark the individual under Current person. Please choose an option by clicking on it.

You can chat with our family tree maker support Experts and Fix your Problem, or you can visit our website or blog about family tree maker support. Or you can visit Mackiev’s official website for more information.

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