Family Tree Maker 2019

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family tree maker 2019

Family Tree Maker 2019 is the newest version of FTM software. MacKiev has added some new features to FTM2019 and upgraded some previous features. Software MacKiev has been focusing on improving the software through updates and upgrades. After they aired FTM2019 from, they made a lot of improvements to it.

FTM 2019 is one of the best tools available for genealogists. Please note the software only stores data, so it will not find your ancestors’ information. For ancestors’ history and information, you must use,,, and There are more websites that you can look for.

Updated Features of Family Tree 2019

  1. TreeSync- This feature allows Family Tree Maker users to share their trees with family members from one computer to another. It also helps users to use multiple devices. With the help of this feature, you do not need to move data using a flash drive from one computer to another. Please note that a user must have an ancestry account to use this feature.
  2. FamilySearch integration- You can use within Family Tree 2019. FamilySearch has one of the largest databases and is free. Click here to learn how to create a FamilySearch account.
  3. Color Coding—FTM users can assign color to their family lines and organize them. Color coding is one of the favorite features among FTM software users.
  4. Rich Media Integration- with this feature, users can easily add photo, video, and audio files.
  5. Upgraded charts and reports- with this new version of FTM, users can create enhanced charts and reports. Users can customize and personalize the report and charts.
  6. Map View-  When the user puts the location of the user’s ancestors, all the places where the user’s family stayed or visited in the past are shown on the map.

Some New Features Introduce in Family Tree Maker 2019

  1. Photo Dark Room- The photo Darkroom feature in FTM19 makes an old photograph into a better-looking photo. The user gets a basic editing tool to edit the image, including cropping and color resolution.
  2. Turn back time- If the user finds an error in the tree, they can restore it to a time when t was error-free.
  3. TreeVault is a free cloud service with a Family Tree Maker 2019 purchase for one year. So, if the computer crashes, the user can restore the FTM data using TreeVault. With TreeVault, you get the Next to Kin service. With Next to Kin, you can assign a successor who can take over your Family Tree Maker after you decide not to work on FTM.

How do you install Family Tree Maker 2019 Software?

Follow the steps below to install FTM using the downloadable link sent by MacKiev.

  1. Open the email where the user got the FTM 2019 download link.
  2. Then, click the download link to download Family Tree Maker 2019.
  3. Click on the download file to start the installation process.
  4. After the installation, the user will see an FTM 2019 icon on the desktop.
  5. Click on the icon to open FTM 2019. The user can now sync Family Tree Maker 2019 with, and the installation process for FTM 2019 is complete.

Note: The user will get the FTM 2019 download link for Windows and Mac. FTM 2019 for Mac is available at the exact cost.

Follow the steps below to install FTM using the DVD MacKiev sent.

  1. Insert the DVD into the DVD slot.
  2. If you get the auto-run option, please follow the on-screen instructions or go to your DVD location and click on FTM.exe. Please follow the image below.
  3. Click on it to continue installing your copy on your device. Then, you can use the Family Tree Maker Software.
  4. Follow the same process for USB Flash Drive.


Minimum System Requirement in FTM 2019

For Macintosh: OS X 10.10 or later, including macOS Catalina 10.15, 900 MB hard disk space, 2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended), 1280 x 800 screen resolution.For Windows: Windows 7 or later, including Windows 10, 900 MB hard disk space, 2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended), 1024 x 768 screen resolution.

Please check the system requirements for FTM 2019 so you can get the appropriate device.

A double upgrade offer for Family Tree Maker

If you are using an older version, you can order Family Tree Maker 2019. With FTM2019, you will get FTM2024 free as soon as it is available to download. Here is what you would need to do!

Please click the link below.

Double upgrade offer

Please select the download version, DVD version, or USB. MacKiev may take you to several upsell offers. Please select if you want to select anything to buy. Please note that Family Tree Maker 2024 is unavailable as MacKiev has not launched it yet. Since it is pre-ordered, it will be available between September 2024 and December 2024. 

 If you already have FTM2019 or want to pre-order FTM2024, you should contact Family Tree Maker support by MacKiev. You can chat with live tech support at MacKiev.


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is it possible for me to get a free Family Tree Maker 2019 download?
Answer: No, you can not get a free FTM 2019 download. MacKiev does not provide a free trial.

Question:- Can I get a free upgrade from FTM17 to Family Tree Maker 2019?
Answer:- It is impossible, as there is a charge to upgrade from 2017 to 2019.

Question – How can I upgrade Family Tree Maker?
Answer – Please visit the MacKiev upgrade center to Family Tree Maker 2019 Update.

Question – I have Family Tree Maker 2005. Can I still upgrade the Family tree maker?
Answer: Yes, you can. If you cannot upload your FTM 2005 data, please get in touch with the family tree maker online for help.

Question – What is the status of the FTM 2019 companion guide?
Answer – MacKiev is unavailable, and they are unsure when it will be available for users.

Question – Can I get support for the Family Tree Maker’s free update?
Answer – You will get free support for the Family Tree Maker free update if you need aid help.

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Family Tree Maker 2024 at a Discounted Price is HERE!

Family Tree Maker 2019
Article Name
Family Tree Maker 2019
Family tree maker 2019 is the latest version of the software released on 29 Sep 2019. If you need any help you can call us our FTM Experts.