How to fix Syncing Problem on Family Tree Maker 2017 with Ancestry

In this blog, We have explained how to fix the Sync issue between Ancestry and FTM2017. Due to high traffic on the Family Tree Servers, sync may not happen. It may give you errors or slow down the sync process. So before you sync your tree, you must check the weather report. If it is green, then is the best time to sync,

When you face problems viewing the tree in Family Tree Maker 2017, you may also be unable to synchronize your trees. However, you can wait and try it later.

Sync Issue Between Ancestry And FTM2017:-

  • Internet Issues
  • Sync Change Log Issues
  • Software Issues
  • Media Sync Issues
  • Restore Issue
  • Re-Download Issue
  • Syncing FTM to Ancestry

Internet Issues

Various internet service providers have different connection speeds. The variation in internet speed may cause a problem with syncing, a natural phenomenon. There are three types of internet connections:

  • Dial-Up Connections – Slowest
  • Satellite Connections – Variation in speed
  • Cable Connections – Overall, good but may slow down during peak hours

So, opt for the best internet connections to ensure no issues.

Sync Change Log Issues

If you see that the change is enormous and that you did not make it in the Sync Change log window, you may better contact technical support for immediate help. Since our experts are well versed in such issues, they better determine what is going wrong.

Software Issues

Software like Antivirus, Firewall, or viruses may affect the sync on Family Tree Maker. Since this software checks on downloads and uploads while synchronizing Family Tree Maker, it may check on those downloads and uploads and hence may block the activity and result in an error. Therefore, you must contact technical support at once. This could be one of the Syncing Problems FTM 2017.

Media Sync Issues

Those beautiful and rare pictures of your ancestors and their stories in your family tree sync separately from the rest of the information. The more photos and stories there are, the longer the sync time will be. You can check the media download progress. It could be one of the problems synchronizing Family Tree Maker 2017.

The media in your tree file synchronizes separately from your tree data. Additionally, the more media you have in your tree, the longer you can complete synchronization. Even if you no longer see the Media Processing status bar at the top of Family Tree Maker, your media may still be synchronizing.

If you have bad media, it may interfere with sync.

You will have to go through the Media workspace in Family Tree Maker and check each file to see which one(s) caused the problem. After that, remove the file(s) from your media collection. This should fix the issue, and you will be able to sync your tree again.

Missing Media 

You will have a sync error if you have missing media in your tree. Therefore, you must ensure you do not have missing media in your tree.

Restore Issue

The good practice of using the family tree maker is to back up the data periodically. The latest backup should be complete and frequent. For example, if you are persistently having a problem with syncing, go ahead and restore the most recent full backup.

Re-Download Issue

Do you not have a recent backup? Then, you can re-download your tree as a new one. For example, in one scenario, where there is information in your Family Tree Maker that has not yet synchronized, you have had to re-download the tree as a new FTM tree to fix the sync issue.

Syncing FTM to Ancestry

Let us say you can synchronize the information but not back it up, or you cannot upload and link your tree from within FTM. In this case, you must contact the FTM Technical Support Number to speak to the expert for the best solution.

You can Contact our Family Tree Maker Support Number to get your issue resolved. In addition, we provide phone support 24×7. The Family Tree Maker Support number is +1-888-257-3335. So you can call for help.

You can also read our essential blog – How to Make a Family Chart in Family Tree Maker software.

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