What’s New in Family Tree Maker 2019?

In this blog, You will learn about What’s New in FTM 2019 Software. It has been around three decades since Family Tree Maker came into being. It has improved significantly, and the new Family Tree Maker 2019 program is the most technologically advanced. Its cutting-edge features make it worthwhile to install on your computer.

What’s New in FTM 2019:-

About the New Edition

In Family Tree Maker 2019, every change you make on your family tree, irrespective of whether it is on your Mac or PC, you can instantly view it from your smart devices like your phone or tablet.

You can erase mistakes with the turn-back time feature and pass on the tree to a relative of your choice with your Family Tree Maker license to ensure your years of arduous work and research do not go in vain. These are just a couple of things among all the features added in the new Family Tree Maker 2019.

Change Log

With Family Tree Maker 2019, you can now roll back time. It keeps track of every one of the last thousand changes you have made to your tree. You can review them and even roll back those changes if you need to correct any errors.

For example, one day, you realize that you did make a mistake on the tree five days ago, and your last full backup is one month old. You never want to restore the last full backup.

With a single click, you can roll back to the change just before you make the mistake. The comprehensive change log allows you to restore the work you have done since then.

FamilySearch Integration 2.0

Earlier, in FamilySearch integration in the preceding FTM 2017, you had family tree hints. But in Family Tree Maker 2019, you get access to historical record hints. It means you can match a person in your Family Tree Maker tree to a person in a FamilySearch family tree, and you get all the historical record hints start to appear.

FamilySearch Integration 2.0 also helps to download a branch from the FamilySearch Family Tree into your FTM 2019 and grow it further.

Hints in the Index

You must be familiar with Ancestry and FamilySearch hints on Family Tree Maker 2017 on Tree views. With Family Tree Maker 2019, Ancestry and FamilySearch hints show up in the index, too. Now, you can check for hints by scrolling the index, whether it is for one individual or a list.

Smart Filters

In FTM 2017, you must have used filtered lists. It helped you to research specific family members or lines. With Family Tree Maker 2019, the Smart Filters can actively collect any new individual(s) that meet the filter’s criteria.

For example, if the filter list is for military service and you add more military people to your tree, they will automatically be added to the Smart Filters.

Folder Counters

You can access the folder from the folder tabs with Family Tree Maker 2019. Now, it shows the number of items stored in each one of the folders. So you do not have to peek into various places to get the saved information.

Profile Picture Cropping Tool

With Family Tree Maker 2019, you can enhance the look of your tree with this new feature. The new profile picture cropping tool detects an individual’s face and zooms just the right amount, cropping the perfect square so that it fits perfectly without changing the original photo.

Tree Browser

The best tool to find the location of your tree. In Tree Browser, you can quickly find wherever your trees are. It may be on Ancestry, on your computer’s hard drive, or up in the cloud storage. You can now find them all in one place.

You can have everything at your fingertips, like if the FTM tree is linked to Ancestry or there is no link tree to Ancestry.

Rich Color Coding

In Family Tree Maker 2019, you can color code the home person’s ancestors and each ancestor’s descendants as well.

TreeVault Cloud Services

You can subscribe for the TreeVault Cloud Services for $1.99 per month (or $19.95 a year). It allows you to get the cloud account setup where you can have your tree in a private and secure environment. You can automatically update the TreeVault Antenna tree in real time with each change you make to your tree, whether on your Mac or PC.

Emergency Tree restore service: It keeps a copy of your tree handy, so you can regain it if your computer hard drive crashes.

Family Tree Maker Connect—This is also known as FTM Connect. It is not a feature inside Family Tree Maker 2019. It works in conjunction with the regular Family Tree Maker 2019 program on your PC. You cannot make any changes on this app but can share your tree with relatives at a family reunion.

It is a free app that allows you to view your latest Family Tree Maker 2019 tree anywhere, at any time, on a smart device like an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, whether you’re away from home or your computer is off.

Historical Weather: You can add color to your family story by adding details to descriptions of events to give you a sense of your ancestors’ lives.

For example, it tells you about the windy, chilly night when your grandfather was born.

Next of Kin Service With this feature, you can appoint a beneficiary to your TreeVault account. It allows you to get a certificate, which you can include with a will, to provide the passcodes for taking over your account along with your Family Tree Maker license and access to free updates.

Questions?  Ready to Order?

This is only a taste of what’s in store for Family Tree Maker’s 30th anniversary celebrations. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) concerning FTM 2019 may be found here.
To place an order right now, go to www.familytreemakersupport.com and sign up for our mailing list, or click this link. Soon after, you’ll receive an email with the most terrific deal currently available.

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