How To Use Tree Browser in FTM 2019 for Windows

In Addition, You will learn about How to Use Tree Browser in FTM 2019 for Windows computers. Tree Browser is a new feature; it enables viewing all your FTM trees.

There are options: Recent, All Trees, FTM Folder, Ancestry, and TreeVault.

Tree Browser in FTM 2019 Details:-

its size, number of people and media, dates created and changed, and Ancestry and TreeVault link status.

However, You can create trees, open them, or remove them from this window.

The functionality duplicates in the Plan workspace, where the functionality is only available for the currently open tree. Firstly,

Click View > Tree Browser or click the Select Tree drop-down list on the far left of the main toolbar and then click Tree Browser. The Tree Browser window appears.

In the left part of the window, select the group of trees you want to view:

Recent: Secondly,  The trees that you have recently had open in Family Tree Maker.

All Trees: All the tree files on your computer that you can open in FTM 2019. The tree files are divided into categories: files from the current version of Family Tree Maker, files from older versions of the application, backup files, and GEDCOMs.

FTM Folder: The trees in the folder that Family Tree Maker uses to store your trees. By default, this is the Family Tree Maker folder found in your Documents folder.

The tree files in this group are of two categories:-

  • Ancestry: Your online Ancestry trees.
  • TreeVault: Displays information about your TreeVault Antenna tree and the location of the FTM Source tree from which it is created.

A list of the trees in the group you have selected appears in the middle column of the window. Use the Sort by and Show drop-down lists to narrow your search for a particular tree. The options available vary depending on the group of trees you selected in step 2. Select a tree in the list to view information about it in the right part of the Tree Browser window.

You can do one of the following:-

  • Click Open Tree to open the selected tree in Family Tree Maker.
  • Open File Location to open the folder where the selected tree file is in a file management window.
  • Delete Tree to remove the selected tree file from your computer.
    To create a new tree from Tree Browser, click the New Tree button in the bottom-left corner of the window. Click the Browse button to try to find the tree you want manually.

If you are not able to use Tree Browser in FTM 2019  and you think you need expert help, you can contact us anytime so our technician can help you.

If you call, you will get instant help, so call our Family Tree Maker support number.

You can Contact our Family Tree Maker Support Number to get your issue resolved. We provide phone support 24×7. The Family Tree Maker Support number is +1-888-257-3335. So you can call for help.

Quick Read:- Match Person with FamilySearch in FTM 2019

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