In this Blog, You will learn about Match Person with FamilySearch in FTM 2019. Need any Help? You can visit our website, Family Tree Maker Support or you can Chat with our Experts.
To match a person with FamilySearch, you can follow given steps:
- On the People workspace, select the person you want to match to FamilySearch.
- You can do one of the following.
- Firstly, Click the FamilySearch hint icon or hint link in the tree viewer or the editing panel.
- Secondly, Right-click the person in the tree viewer, and then choose Match Person to FamilySearch.
- The Web Search workspace opens with a list of search results.
- Select a search result and look through the person’s data in the Search result detail area. If this is the individual you were looking for, click the Match button.
- A message appears with information about the People with FamilySearch feature. If you do not want to see this message again, select the Do not show again checkbox. Click Match to FamilySearch.
- The Web Search workspace changes to display the person on FamilySearch. Who you have matched with the person in your FTM tree, together with a link that allows you to view hints. Historical records for this person on FamilySearch (if there are any) and a list of possible alternate matches for the person in your FTM tree.
Note: You cannot merge FamilySearch historical records directly from Family Tree Maker. You can either review a record and attach it to a person using the FamilySearch website. Then, merge the data in Family Tree Maker or use the “Web Clipping” tool.
- Go to the Tree tab on the People workspace and find the matched person there.
- If there are hints of historical records for the matched person on FamilySearch, the centre of the hint turns dark blue.
- Hold the pointer over the icon to see the ID of the matched person on FamilySearch, the number of hints found, the number of historical records that are available for the matched person on FamilySearch, and the number of other potential matches.
- The FamilySearch ID fact is added to the person in FTM 2019 and shows in the Index and in the editing panel.
Also read: Upload tree from FTM 2017 to Ancestry on Mac.
You can Contact our Family Tree Maker Support Number to get your issue resolved. We provide phone support 24×7. The Family Tree Maker Support number is +1-888-257-3335. So you can call for help.