If you encounter issues while downloading or installing Family Tree Maker 2017, move to this content without giving it any other thought. Here, you will find the simple steps for downloading and installing Family Tree Maker 2017. So, contact a Family Tree Maker professional for quick guidelines and solutions.
For Downloading & Installing Family Tree Maker 2017:
- You need to first move ahead to the downloads folder, where you need to download the FTM 2017 on your device.
- After doing so, you need to get a file called FTM2017.exe.
- You must then double-click mentioned on the FTM 2017.exe file.
- After doing so, you must open the DVD or USB on your respective device and proceed to the .exe file.
- If it asked for permission regarding the changes, then you need to go to the .exe file simply,
- After that, a welcome screen will appear. Just go to the next option.
- You will see a license window and then move to the next option again.
- After that, you must choose the country and go to the next option.
- Finally, you need to go to the install option and click on finish after completing the installation process.
Thus, following the above steps, you can instantly download and install Family Tree Maker 2017. If something is still bothering you about Family Tree Maker 2017, contact FTM’s experts immediately for quick help and solutions.
If you are facing any issues with Installing Family Tree Maker 2017, contact our Technical Team. You Can Call us at the Family Tree Maker Support Number at +1-888-257-3335 or Chat with our Live Agent.