If you are searching to know more information about what ‘Sync Weather Report’ is in Family Tree Maker, then here in this blog, you will find all the answers to your queries. You’ve just got to read along with this blog till the end.
The things you need to know about the ‘Sync weather report’ system as well as before continuing the Family Sync;
- There would be a warning for the same.
- Although it is safe still, you still need to read the warning properly.
- Then, only you need to move forward.
- The above warning only comes to alert you to the things that are going to affect you after syncing.
- So, the orange window that you can see in the above photo means that you are supposed to experience some caution while syncing.
- But if the window is red, then you need to be very careful as it is so dangerous and will not allow syncing.
- After that, you need to check the current issues properly as there are many essential points mention, so just go through it carefully once.
- For your concern, there is a list of the same. Just go through it properly:
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- There is an Ancestry Side change, in which it is written about what would happen to the ancestry site. It especially happens after the first sync, but there is no need to worry as it is safe, not dangerous.
- Next would be about Safe Mode for Ancestry Syncing, in which changes will only happen on the FTM side. And it is also safe. For more details, you can read the information properly on the screen.
- The last would be about bug reporting, in which there would be about the support they provide for those who face some issues with syncing.
Now, we hope that the above-mention information and guide are helpful to get you started with the Sync weather report in your FTM. However, in case you face any problem while going through the given procedure, then you know that you can always contact the specialists at the Family Tree Maker Support Number. And the team will definitely give you the best resolutions that are reliable.