Details about Best Family Tree Maker Software Programs In 2023

Here you will learn about Best Family Tree Maker Program in 2023. Family Tree Maker is one of the best genealogy programs where you can easily build your own Family Tree. FTM consists of dates, events, places, and photographs of all your ancestors as well as descendants. Along with that, it also has the feature of connecting to many websites such as Ancestry and Family search which help in fetching the records for making your tree bigger as well as better.

Best Family Tree Maker Software 2023

Family Tree Maker is also an intuitive program that helps in growing your business with many good tools as well as integrated web search. Not only that but also, but it can easily produce a variety of reports, and charts and also help in publishing the book for your own family history.

Compatibility of FTM: You can use FTM on windows Pc and Mac. Also, it helps in allowing you to view all the family trees on the android device as well as iOS device which are not available at your home. The best thing about FTM is that it comes with lots of regular updates as well as upgrades which help in compiling with everyday technological advancement. And so, with the help of the latest OS, it is compatible with all the platform and thus, suffer less compatibility trouble.

Import of using Family Tree Maker

After beginning the genealogy research, it has become quite easy to remember your respective research, and then follow the progress quickly. The more individuals you add there is more chance of losing the track of the respective research. Also, Family Tree maker is considered to be the best software and also, and it doesn’t have any trial version or free version but still, due to its features, it is worth buying.

Because of its advanced features, it is preferred by everyone and so, everyone loves to use genealogy software you can instantly purchase it directly from, or local store, or online.

Can users use Family Tree Maker for free?

No, Ftm is not available as a free version so, so if you are willing to use it then you need to directly buy it. For more details, you can go directly to the MacKiev chat and then you can quickly go for it.

Which one is the best Family Tree Maker Software?

If you are willing to purchase the new Family Tree Maker Software 2022 then you might be feeling a little bit confused but don’t worry, there are some amazing features that you need to bear in your mind. It is quite tricky to work with a project that has a huge amount of data, so if you are not sure of which version to purchase of Family Tree Maker then you need to simply go ahead to some pointers mentioned below:

A Detailed History Of  FTM Versions

FTM Version 1.0

Its history is quite amazing as in 1984, banner blue software has been founded by Ken Hess who launched Family Tree Maker. In these 30 years, there have been so many acquisitions as well as mergers. Its first version came out in the year 1989 when the DOS operating system has been used. It was released by Banner blue software and then the file extension of version 1.0 was Family Tree Version without having any kind of GEDCOM support.

FTM Version 2.0

Its version was release in the year 1995 by Banner Blue Software and had proper GEDCOM support.

FTM Version 3.0

Version 3.1 has been support and was supply with a 16-bit application that is compatible with windows 95 as well as DOS version has been provided with Data Exchange Utility.

FTM version 3.2 For Mac

It was around 1997 when Steve Jobs return, and the Mac computer captured the market again. All its products have been critically as well as commercially successful.

Family Tree Maker version 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0

It was the first family tree which has been release on CD-ROM supporting windows 3.1/95. In 1998, August, it has been acquire by the learning company and launched version 5.0.

FTM Version 7.5, 8.0 and 9.0 has been start in 1999 by A and E television network. Whereas in April 2000, has come forward as well as release FTM version 7.5.

Family Tree Version 10.0 and 11.0 release FTM version 10.0 in the year 2002 but in 2003 has been acquire by

Family Tree Maker Software Program 2023

Family Tree Maker 2005, 06, 08, 09, 10, 2011

Versions 2005, 2006, and 16 have been release in the years 2004, 2005 as well as 2006 respectively but FTM 2008 has been release by in the year 2007. It is support on windows as well as file extensions.

Family Tree Maker 2012, and 2014 released FTM 2012 support in 2011 which has been compatible with windows XP service pack 2, windows Vista as well as windows 7 OS and in the year 2013, 2014 has been release in the market.

Family Tree Maker Version 2014 Mac

It has been release in 2013 and has been market as Family Tree Maker Mac 3 which is compatible with Mac OSX 10.6 or later properly.

Family Tree Version 2014.1 and Family Tree 3.1

In 2016, Mackie purchase the Family Tree Software from and it has launched version 2014.1 and is also compatible with Windows 7 or later.

Family Tree Maker 2017

Software Mackiev launch FTM 2017 in the year 2017 which was very well compatible with windows as well as Mac operating system. It is support on Windows or later which include both windows 10 or Mac OSX 10.9 or later.

Family Tree Maker 2019

Software Mackiev release its version 2019 that is 24.0 in September 2019 which has OS windows 7 and it also includes windows 10 as well as OS X 10.10 or later. Also, FTM 2019 has been release 24.0.1 in the same year and FTM 2019 24.2 Free Update Release Last week.

Amazing Features Of Family Tree Maker 2019

It offers many exciting features like:

  • Building your tree in a simple way
  • Get one-tap sync with
  • Has ancestry as well as Family Search hints
  • View all the collaborative maps as well as family history timelines.

For more details related to family tree maker 2019 or any other version, feel free to reach the experts of Family Tree Maker Support right away for quick guidelines and solutions.

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