5 Best Family Tree Creator Software & Tools for 2024

Here, you will Learn the Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024. these are all the top best family tree maker Apps in 2024. When searching for our family roots, we often imagine ourselves spending days, months or years searching through the dusty records in foreign countries. Nevertheless, nowadays, many online resources allow us to determine who our ancestors were without spending much time on research. Moreover, several people get to check their family’s past and design a family tree just by using a family tree maker app on their smartphone.

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

With many interactive tools, we record stories, search for our ancestors’ homes on maps, or scan documents. So, in this blog, we will introduce you to the best apps, such as a digital brochure maker that will help you make a family tree online, explain how to create a family tree and help you get started mapping out your family story.

What is a family tree all about?

To begin with, a family tree is simply a chart or diagram that illustrates the generations of your family and how different families have connected over time. At times, as you will see in the family tree templates given below, they can resemble an actual tree.

Furthermore, family trees can include names, birth and wedding dates, and photos. It can consist of only immediate family members or even be more complex, with information about ancestors from many generations.

Now, all thanks to a family tree diagram, as it helps to quickly learn where you came from, who your ancestors were, and how you are related to them. Moreover, with such a tree, you can also see how one family member is link to other family members, determining their closeness.

The tree also shows you the ancestors of a person or a selected nuclear family or the fate of those with the same surname. Many people, like the European nobility or royal families, have complex family trees created for generations.

It would be best to remember that your family tree charts don’t have to be as complex as you will come across many family tree templates that help create a beautiful online family tree with only a few clicks. After that, you can publish it online as a digital brochure created with ‘Publuu’ or even share it with all your family members, no matter where they live.

How can you create a family tree?

You should know that in most family trees, each generation is represented by just one level. Therefore, this will help you determine which ancestors came before which generation. Besides, in a typical family tree diagram, a marriage means a horizontal line between two people or just leaves of the tree. The children born of a particular marriage are indicated by a parenthesis extending from the couple to the next set of boxes. Even though most family trees are developed vertically, some are drawn horizontally.

You can start immediately by determining how far back you want to go when you make a family tree. Would you like to trace your family ancestry back to the sixteenth century? For many families, the limit is often ‘World War I’ in many countries; however, at times, older archives have been destroyed. Nonetheless, with a family tree generator, you can always add additional family members to your family tree online.

After that, you would need to fill in the given fields with your ancestors’ names, birth dates and dates of death. Furthermore, you can even provide other information in these family tree charts, such as their wedding date or place of birth. You will even find a biography in the family archive.

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

  1. Family Historian

This software is known to be one of the most popular family tree maker programs used by many people nowadays. The Family Historian program supports many variations, such as multiple partners and same-sex marriages. Several apps did not accurately portray these relationships, so Family Historian topped our list. The intuitive interface lets you quickly and efficiently add data and photos to a large family tree. Moreover, it is also integrate with online databases. Therefore, as recommended, you should develop your tree in this program and create it in a graphics program using only professionally designed templates.

  1. Family Tree Maker

Now, you already know Family Tree Maker very well. It is a simple app perfect for amateurs and people who only want to check out their family tree chart. Nevertheless, it can also be quite expensive as it helps create beautiful and simple family trees, and you get to synchronize your family history with your relatives. In addition, any change you make to your family tree can also be access on your smartphone, thanks to the cloud subscription; it even allows you to access weather records. For example, you can check the weather when your great-grandfather was born.

Family Trees – Free Creators

  1. FamilySearch

This is known to be an international non-profit organization that is run by the church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). They aim to help everyone discover their family roots. This program allows you free access to the data for everyone, and only some aspects of it can be private. Therefore, anyone can edit your family history; however, it also means you can now meet your distant relatives.

  1. Family Tree Builder

This app uses both online and downloadable versions, which lets you create a family tree chart that is viewable on both computers and smartphones. The actual family tree creator is free, but a paid subscription allows you access to the historical and DNA data database.

  1. Family Tree Free Templates

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

This family tree template allows you to create a complex family tree chart that traces your heritage or even a cute image for a school project.

top best family tree maker

This template lets you create a linear family tree only of a single person. Hence, it is useful when you want to record names and direct ancestors.

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

This is a unique family chart that shows your family history in the form of a fan. It allows you to represent the whole family on both sides of your lineage.

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

You would like this family tree template as it has plenty of places to place your family photos or bios.

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

Isn’t this the best and most unique retro template? It can indeed serve as a particular family tree as well.

Best Family Tree Creator Apps in 2024

This family tree template is all the more impressive as it helps make it easy for your kids; they can create and print a family tree image for a school project without difficulty.


Furthermore, a family tree maker app helps manage a family tree and display your family history. You can find many such family tree creator apps in the market available today; however, many of them need a paid subscription for you to gain access to archives. Nonetheless, you can also make a family tree in any graphic design program and export it to a beautiful brochure format along with ‘Publuu’ to be view online. Therefore, you go now!

We trust that you enjoy reading this article and have all your concerns answered here. But if you still need further information, you can directly contact the team of experts provided without any hesitation. The eligible techs will surely assist you quickly with the most suitable instructions.

If you need any help, you can call us at our Family Tree Support Number +1-888-257-3335, or you can Live Chat with our Genealogy Experts.

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