How Do I Delete A Person From FamilySearch Family Tree?

Delete Person From familySearch Family Tree

In this Addition, we will discuss about Delete A Person From Family Tree in FamilySearch. If you need any help, you can call us at our Family Tree Maker Support Number +1-888-257-3335. You can delete the record of a person on the FamilySearch Family Tree which you have created. It can only be possible if the record has not been changed by any other contributor. If you get the message saying, “Delete Person Unavailable”, it simply means that you cannot delete a person. You can delete a living person’s record from your private spaces.

Deleting a record, whether for a living or dead, may result in changes in the Family Tree –

Relationships –

When you delete a person – living or dead – it removes any relationships to other individuals on the Family Tree.

Modification –

When you delete the record, it can never be modified.

Record Search –

Once you delete the record of the individual(s), you can find them only through their ID number.

Records Restore –

There is a process of recovering or restoring records once deleted from the Family Search Family Tree. There are ways to restore deleted records through the Latest Changes feature. We will discuss how to restore records in a separate blog.

Delete A Person Drom FamilySearch Family Tree

  • First, sign into the FamilySearch account on your computer web browser. Go to the Person page of the individual for whom you want to delete the record.
  • You can click on the Details tab if you cannot see the details on the Person page.
  • Go to the Tools in the right column.
  • You can now click on Delete Person. Whenever you click on Delete Person, and the message says Delete Person Unavailable, it means multiple contributors have amended the record.

If you get the message “Delete Person Unavailable”, you can try:

  1. To contact FamilySearch Support.
  2. Deleting relationships helps.
  3. You can merge duplicate records.
  4. Editing incorrect data.

Then, review the information in the Delete Person window. You must explain why you are going to delete the person. After that, you can check the boxes to indicate that you have reviewed the relationships and include your reason. And then click on Delete.

How to delete a record from the FamilySearch Family Tree on your Cell phone

  • Open your FamilySearch Family Tree app on your cell phone.
  • Go to the Person page of the individual for whom you want to delete the record.
  • On the upper right corner, tap the three dots.
  • Android phone: Tap on Delete Person.
  • If you are using an iPhone, Tap on More, then tap on Delete Person.

If you need any help, you can visit our website, Family Tree Maker Support, call our Experts at +1-888-257-3335, or Live Chat with them.

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