How to Pre-Order FTM 2024

After a long wait, MacKiev has upgraded FTM2019 to Family Tree Maker 2024. In this topic, I will explain how you can pre-order FTM2024 from the MacKiev website. Please do not go to any other website to order it. MacKive has sent emails to all his customers to pre-order FTM2024. If you have not received or changed your email, click the link to pre-order it.

Pre-order FTM2024

Please follow the steps below.  Once you click the link, you will get three options. Please check the image below.

Pre-order ftm 2024


Please select the download option to get a link to download the software. As soon as FTM2024 is released, you will get an email to download the software. You can select the second option if you want to get DVD + Link (We do not suggest selecting this option as most new computers do not have a DVD reader.) The third option will provide you with USB + Download. All these three options will give you a download link. Please note that MacKiev is not sending the link right now. You will get the link as soon as FTM2024 is released.

Who can pre-order Family Tree Maker 2024?

Anyone can pre-order it. So, let’s say you want to start using FTM to store your genealogy data and are new to FTM. You can still pre-order it. If you pre-order it now, you will pay only $29.97 + Tax. From a new user to an existing user, you can pre-order FTM24.

What is new in FTM 2024?

A few new features have been added, and existing features have been upgraded. I am going to list them for you.

  1. Connect workspace
  2. FTM Connect 2.0
  3. Easy on the eyes
  4. New Photo Darkroom Tools
  5. Album Walk
  6. Resource Center
  7. Co-pilot 2024

We will make another blog with a detailed explanation of the FTM2024 features mentioned above in another blog.

FTM 2024 FAQ

Question:- How much does a family tree maker cost?
Answer:- If you buy right now, FTM2019, you will have to pay $79.97 + Tax. If you want to, you can wait till MacKiev releases the new Family Tree Maker 2024 edition. If you pre-order it now, you must pay $29 + Tax.

Question:- How do I make a free Family Tree Maker online?
Few companies provide free software to create family trees. Family Tree Maker is the software owned by MacKiev, and MacKiev does not have a free or trial edition for users.


If you are a Family Tree Maker user, I suggest you pre-order it so you can get a 60% discount. It is better to use updated software instead of an older version. An older version of any software is not as stable as a newer version can be. Please contact us if you need any help to pre-order FTM2024.

If you Need any Help, you can Visit our Website or Call Our Family Tree Maker Support Number +1-888-257-3335; you can Live Chat with our FTM Experts.

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