Transferring your Family Tree Maker Files Into RootsMagic

Do you want to learn how to Transfer FTM files into RootsMagic? You must be looking for reliable solutions. If so, you will be happy to know you have found the perfect place to start. All you must do is read along and follow the instructions carefully.

Transfer FTM files into RootsMagic

To begin with, since Ancestry announced that it was parting ways with its Family Tree Maker Software, thousands of FTM users have found a new home in RootsMagic. Hence, one of the first questions from users is, ‘How do I get my data from FTM into RootsMagic?’

Until now, the answer has always been through the GEDCOM file. However, while primarily compelling and practical, GEDCOM files from FTM repeatedly lacked data and details found only in the original file. Also, it added an extra step in the conversion process.

How to direct Family Tree Maker Import?

So, this is why we are excited to announce today’s release of RootsMagic 7.1. Besides various tweaks and fixes, this update has allowed users to import any Family Tree Maker file directly.

By ‘any’ Family Tree Maker file, we mean it; RootsMagic can directly import:

  • Family Tree Maker 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014 for Windows (*.ftm, *.ftmb)
  • Family Tree Maker 3 for Mac (*.ftm, *.ftmb)
  • Family Tree Maker 2010 and 2012 for Mac (*.ftmm, *.ftmd)
  • Classic Family Tree Maker Files (*.ftw)

Moreover, RootsMagic can import more Family Tree Maker files than any FTM version.

The following are the steps to transfer your Family Tree Maker files to RootsMagic:

  1. You would need first to have the latest release of RootsMagic. If you use RootsMagic 7, choose ‘Help > Check for Updates’ from the main menu to download and install the update.
  2. And now, when the update has been installed, you must select ‘File > Import’ from the main menu. After this, you should see a list of different programs and formats you can import.

3. Next, you must choose Family Tree Maker (FTM) from the list. Then, click ‘Search for files’ to search your computer for all FTM files or ‘I know where the file is’ to browse your computer. Then, you need to select the FTM database or the backup file to start importing.

4. You must now choose the filename, location, and options for your new RootsMagic file. And then, click on the OK button to start importing your files.

5. Afterwards, you must see the progress screen as RootsMagic brings all your data into your new file.

Well, the Data belongs to you – Let it be Free!

Many people are concerned about preserving and archiving their family history for future generations. However, with the constant advancement of computer technology, computer software and operating systems are born and die every day, which sometimes leaves their data unreadable and with no way to advance it to the current technology. This can happen with genealogy software and data, mainly if they rely on proprietary or encrypted file formats.

Since it is your data, therefore when you start importing your data into RootsMagic, you should be relaxed and without any worry as your data is in great shape for long-term archival because of the following reasons;

  1. Your RootsMagic data are all stored in SQLite database files. You need to know that SQLite is the most widely deployed database engine worldwide. This is an open source and widely available, meaning that other software can easily open our data. Hence, because SQLite is widespread, it is even more likely to be readable for years.
  2. Moreover, your RootsMagic data are not encrypted. FTM files are encrypted, which prevents anyone who does not know the encryption key from being able to read or access your data.

The first step;

You now already know that directly importing Family Tree Maker files is the first step in our recently announced working relationship with Ancestry. Therefore, you have to stay tuned for the ability to search Ancestry’s trees and records and download and sync them into your RootsMagic file.

Don’t miss the special upgrade offer!

So, not to help Family Tree Maker users leap RootsMagic, we have set up a unique website at, which includes training videos, testimonials, and much more. Furthermore, we are offering FTM users the full version of RootsMagic for a limited time for only $20. If you choose the download option, we will also include the PDF book, ‘Getting the Most out of RootsMagic,’ which is free (a $14.95 value). However, to avail of the offer, you must visit to receive the discount.

You should have read the above information and the steps provided by now. Also, you should be able to Transfer FTM files into RootsMagic quickly. However, if you face any issues or have other related concerns, feel free to contact the eligible team of technicians. You can call us at our Family Tree Support Number at +1-888-257-3335, or you can Live Chat with our FTM Experts. They will surely assist you accordingly with the solutions needed right away.

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