Scanning an image with Family Tree Maker allows you to import and digitize photos, documents, and other records related to your family history research. This can help you organize and preserve your family history for future generations. Firstly, This blog will teach you how to add media to the family tree maker program from a scanner. But, you must follow the process to add media to your Family Tree Maker Program.
Note: your scanner must be attached to your computer to complete the task. This is for the newer version of Family Tree Maker 2019.
Scanning an Image With Family Tree Maker follow the First Method Below.
- Open family tree maker.
- Click the media tab.
- Click on Add button; you can find add button in the top right corner of your family tree.
4. You will get three choices. Click on scan media. It will scan your media if you have any media in the scanner tray.
Scanning Image by Second Method
Please click on media as displayed in the picture below and then click on scan media
You will need to follow these simple steps to Add media to the family tree maker from a scanner. If you cannot scan, then your scanner may have some issues.
Please Try To Resolve A Few Known Issues
- Check for windows updates or iOS updates.
- Check if your printer has an inbuilt scanner and is correctly connected to your computer.
- Please check for printer or driver updates.
- Remove any other printer or scanner if they are not working.
- Uninstall and reinstall your printer and scanner.
- Remove if there is any infection in your computer.
- Uninstall the expired antivirus from your computer.
- Reset the Family tree maker to default settings.
- Find out if your printer and scanner are young and use old technology.
Answer:- There are multiple ways to add media in Family tree maker. You can go to the media tab and click on the add media button to add media in FTM.
Answer:- Family Tree stores media on a local computer hard drive.
Answer:- You can convert it using the latest FTM program if you have FBC, FBK, FTW, FTM, or FTMB. You can also contact our expert to convert your data from old to new.
Answer:- Family Tree Maker 2019 was available in the year 2022, and it is still available. However, MacKiev has yet to launch or upgrade to Family Tree Maker 2022.
If you follow all these steps and cannot add media from the scanner to the family tree maker, then you can call our Family Tree Maker Support Experts. We are Tane Innovative Concepts LLC and charge for our service. We do not have any relationship with Software MacKiev Inc.