Descendant chart in Family Tree Maker 2019

In this article, We have explained how to prepare a descendant Chart in FTM. With the new Family Tree Maker 2019, it is now easier to create your descendant report.

It is also easy to create a chart, and you can customize your chart before you generate the report with many new customization tools, which are included with the new FTM17 software like Inserting Picture, increasing the size of fonts, chart vertical view, etc. With all this many new tools added to the new FTM2017, it’s now easy to create and generate descendant Chat in FTM.

The Steps We Use To Descendant Chart In FTM 2019

  1. Open Family Tree Maker 2017
  2. Load the tree which descendant report we are going to generate
  3. Click on the Publish option from the upper tab
  4. On the left-hand side, we have all the options to choose what report you want
  5. Select a chart from the option
  6. Select the Descendant chart in FTM
  7. After selecting the chart now, you can customize your chart view setting
  8. Last, this is to generate it

These are the steps that we performed in order to generate a descendant report of your tree. Also, sometimes it takes time to generate a report depending on the number of generation descendant reports we are generating.

Please wait until it’s been generated. If you have a good computer configuration, then your report will be generated fast. If you have a slow computer with low configuration, It will take time.

Tech Support is required in some cases:- Call Now

We have seen in some cases the computer does not respond when you try to generate the process. In these cases, you should call Family Tree Maker support to get help. Our technicians understand your issues and guide you accordingly to get the best support experience. Please chat or call our Family Tree Maker Experts.

Please Follow The Steps Below:-

  • Open family tree maker software.
  • Open the tree and select the person name you want to create a report of.
  • Please click on the link according to what is shown in the picture below. 
  • This is where you will get all the options to change your “descendent chart” box and line styles.
  • You can create different styles and save Them for the future as well.
  • You can change the font size and styles from here, too.
  • If you are facing these issues, then you should not use saved settings. If saved settings are wrong, that means you will keep using the wrong settings.

Then Please Follow The Steps Below:-

  1. Check for Windows updates. If your Windows update is not working. Please fix them up, as your computer files should be up to date. If your Windows updates are up to date, then please follow the second step to fix the Descendant Chart issue in FTM.
  2. Press the shift key and hold it down, and while you are holding it down, open the Family Tree Maker software. You will have two options: select the “temporary default settings”. This will open your FTM in default settings, which means all your settings will be changed and will be back to normal.

If you are facing any issues with your Family Tree Maker Program, then you can contact our Experts. You can Call our Family Tree Maker Support Number at +1-888-257-3335, or you can chat with our Family Tree Maker Experts.

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